Source code for mlca.mlc_analyzer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools for analyzing beam and control point information from DICOM files
Hierarchy of classes: Plan -> FxGroup -> Beam -> ControlPoint
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Dan Cutright
# This file is part of DVH Analytics MLC Analyzer, released under a BSD license
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at

import pydicom
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely import speedups
from mlca.utilities import (
    flatten_list_of_lists as flatten,
from mlca.options import (
import warnings

    "Patient Name",
    "Patient MRN",
    "Study Instance UID",
    "SOP Instance UID",
    "Plan name",
    "# of Fx Group(s)",
    "Fx Group #",
    "Plan MUs",
    "Beam Count(s)",
    "Control Point(s)",
    "Complexity Score(s)",
    "File Name",

[docs]def get_options(over_rides): """Get MLC Analyzer options Parameters ---------- over_rides : dict Over rides, keys may be 'max_field_size_x', 'max_field_size_y', 'complexity_weight_x', or 'complexity_weight_y' Returns ------- dict Options for field size and complexity weights. Default values are 400 and 1. """ options = {k: v for k, v in DEFAULT_OPTIONS.items()} for key, value in over_rides.items(): if key in list(options): options[key] = value return options
# Enable shapely calculations using C, as opposed to the C++ default if speedups.available: speedups.enable()
[docs]class PlanSet: """Parse DICOM-RT Plan files, analyze MLCs Parameters ---------- file_paths : list A list of file paths to DICOM-RT Plan files verbose : bool, optional Set to true to print detailed information (ignored if multiprocessing enabled) processes : int Number of parallel processes allowed """ def __init__(self, file_paths, verbose=False, processes=1, **kwargs): self.file_paths = file_paths self.verbose = verbose self.processes = processes self.kwargs = kwargs self.summary_table = [COLUMNS] if processes == 1: try: self._run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Plan analyzer halted!") else: data = run_multiprocessing( self._worker, self.file_paths, self.processes ) for row in data: self.summary_table.extend(row) def _run(self): """Process files, accumulate data in self.summary_table""" plan_count = len(self.file_paths) for i, file_path in enumerate(self.file_paths): print("Analyzing (%s of %s): %s" % (i + 1, plan_count, file_path)) try: plan = Plan(file_path, **self.kwargs) for fx_grp_row in plan.summary: row = [fx_grp_row[key] for key in COLUMNS] self.summary_table.append(row) if self.verbose: print(plan, "\n") except Exception as e: print("Analysis failed\n%s\n" % e) def _worker(self, file_path): """Multiprocessing worker Parameters ---------- file_path : str file path of a DICOM-RT Plan file Returns ------- list Results from Plan.summary prepped for CSV output """ data = [] try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") plan = Plan(file_path, **self.kwargs) for fx_grp_row in plan.summary: data.append([fx_grp_row[key] for key in COLUMNS]) except Exception: pass return data
[docs]class Plan: """Collect plan information from an RT Plan DICOM file. Automatically parses fraction data with FxGroup class Parameters ---------- rt_plan : str, Dataset file path of a DICOM RT Plan file or a pydicom Dataset """ def __init__(self, rt_plan, **kwargs): if isinstance(rt_plan, Dataset): self.rt_plan_file = "Unknown" else: self.rt_plan_file = rt_plan rt_plan = pydicom.read_file(rt_plan) self.rt_plan = rt_plan self.options = get_options(kwargs) beam_seq = rt_plan.BeamSequence fx_grp_seq = rt_plan.FractionGroupSequence self.fx_group = [FxGroup(fx_grp, beam_seq) for fx_grp in fx_grp_seq] self.summary = [ { "Patient Name": self.patient_name, "Patient MRN": self.patient_id, "Study Instance UID": self.study_instance_uid, "SOP Instance UID": self.sop_instance_uid, "TPS": self.tps, "Plan name": self.plan_name, "# of Fx Group(s)": str(len(self.fx_group)), "Fx Group #": str(f + 1), "Fractions": str(fx_grp.fxs), "Plan MUs": "%0.1f" % fx_grp.fx_mu, "Beam Count(s)": str(fx_grp.beam_count), "Control Point(s)": str(sum(fx_grp.cp_counts)), "Complexity Score(s)": "%0.3f" % self.younge_complexity_scores[f], "File Name": self.rt_plan_file, } for f, fx_grp in enumerate(self.fx_group) ] def __str__(self): summary = [ "Patient Name: %s" % self.patient_name, "Patient MRN: %s" % self.patient_id, "Study Instance UID: %s" % self.study_instance_uid, "SOP Instance UID: %s" % self.sop_instance_uid, "TPS: %s" % self.tps, "Plan name: %s" % self.plan_name, "# of Fx Group(s): %s" % len(self.fx_group), "Plan MUs: %s" % ", ".join(["%0.1f" % fx_grp.fx_mu for fx_grp in self.fx_group]), "Beam Count(s): %s" % ", ".join([str(fx_grp.beam_count) for fx_grp in self.fx_group]), "Control Point(s): %s" % ", ".join( [str(sum(fx_grp.cp_counts)) for fx_grp in self.fx_group] ), "Complexity Score(s): %s" % ", ".join( ["%0.3f" % cs for cs in self.younge_complexity_scores] ), ] return "\n".join(summary) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): """Compare to Plan objects Parameters ---------- other : Plan Returns ------- bool True if all properties and FxGrp comparisons are true """ attr = [ "plan_name", "patient_name", "patient_id", "study_instance_uid", "sop_instance_uid", "tps", ] if not all([getattr(self, a) == getattr(other, a) for a in attr]): return False for i, fx_group in enumerate(self.fx_group): if not fx_group == other.fx_group[i]: return False return True @property def plan_name(self): """Get the plan name Returns ------- str RTPlanLabel (300A,0002) """ return str(getattr(self.rt_plan, "RTPlanLabel", "")) @property def patient_name(self): """Get the patient name Returns ------- str PatientName (0010,0010) """ return str(getattr(self.rt_plan, "PatientName", "")) @property def patient_id(self): """Get the patient id Returns ------- str PatientID (0010,0020) """ return str(getattr(self.rt_plan, "PatientID", "")) @property def study_instance_uid(self): """Get the patient study instance UID Returns ------- str StudyInstanceUID (0020,000D) """ return str(getattr(self.rt_plan, "StudyInstanceUID", "")) @property def sop_instance_uid(self): """Get the patient study instance UID Returns ------- str SOPInstanceUID (0008,0018) """ return str(getattr(self.rt_plan, "SOPInstanceUID", "")) @property def tps(self): """Get the treatment planning system Returns ------- str Manufacturer (0008,0070) and ManufacturerModelName (0008,1090) """ return "%s %s" % ( getattr(self.rt_plan, "Manufacturer", ""), getattr(self.rt_plan, "ManufacturerModelName", ""), ) @property def younge_complexity_scores(self): """Get the Younge complexity scores for each FxGroup Returns ------- list FxGroup.younge_complexity_score for each fraction group """ return [ float(fx_grp.younge_complexity_score) for fx_grp in self.fx_group ]
[docs]class FxGroup: """Collect fraction group information from fraction group and beam sequences of a pydicom RT Plan dataset. Automatically parses beam data with Beam class Parameters ---------- fx_grp_seq : Dataset element of FractionGroupSequence (300A,0070) plan_beam_sequences : BeamSequence BeamSequence (300A,00B0) """ def __init__(self, fx_grp_seq, plan_beam_sequences, **kwargs): self.fxs = str( getattr(fx_grp_seq, "NumberOfFractionsPlanned", "UNKNOWN") ) self.options = get_options(kwargs) meter_set = {} for ref_beam in fx_grp_seq.ReferencedBeamSequence: ref_beam_num = str(ref_beam.ReferencedBeamNumber) meter_set[ref_beam_num] = float(ref_beam.BeamMeterset) self.beam = [] for beam in plan_beam_sequences: beam_num = str(beam.BeamNumber) if beam_num in meter_set: self.beam.append(Beam(beam, meter_set[beam_num])) self.update_missing_jaws() def __eq__(self, other): """Comparison of two FxGroup by comparing each beam Parameters ---------- other : FxGroup Another FxGroup class object Returns ------- bool True if all properties and Beam comparisons are true """ attr = [ "beam_count", "beam_names", "beam_mu", "fx_mu", "cp_counts", "younge_complexity_score", ] if not all([getattr(self, a) == getattr(other, a) for a in attr]): return False for i, beam in enumerate(self.beam): status_str = "beam %s\n\t%%s with other beam %s" % ( self.beam_names[i], other.beam_names[i], ) if not beam == other.beam[i]: print(status_str % "failed") return False else: print(status_str % "passed") return True @property def beam_count(self): """Get the number of beams Returns ------- int Length of FxGroup.beams """ return len(self.beam) @property def beam_names(self): """Get the beam names Returns ------- list for each beam """ return [ for b in self.beam] @property def beam_mu(self): """Get the monitor units for each beam Returns ------- list Beam.meter_set for each beam """ return [b.meter_set for b in self.beam] @property def fx_mu(self): """Get the number of MU for for this fraction Returns ------- float The sum of FxGroup.beam_mu """ return np.sum(self.beam_mu) @property def cp_counts(self): """Get the number of control points for all beams Returns ------- list Beam.cp_count for each beam """ return [b.cp_count for b in self.beam] @property def younge_complexity_score(self): """Get the Younge complexity score this fraction Returns ------- float The sum of Beam.younge_complexity_scores for all beams """ return np.sum( np.array( [np.sum(beam.younge_complexity_scores) for beam in self.beam] ) )
[docs] def update_missing_jaws(self): """In plans with static jaws, jaw positions may not be found in each control point""" for i, beam in enumerate(self.beam): for j, cp in enumerate(beam.jaws): if ( cp["x_min"] == -self.options["max_field_size_x"] / 2 and cp["x_max"] == self.options["max_field_size_x"] / 2 and cp["y_min"] == -self.options["max_field_size_y"] / 2 and cp["y_max"] == self.options["max_field_size_y"] / 2 ): beam.jaws[j] = beam.jaws[0]
[docs]class Beam: """Collect beam information from a beam in a beam sequence of a pydicom RT Plan dataset. Automatically parses control point data with ControlPoint class Parameters ---------- beam_dataset : Dataset element of a BeamSequence (300A,00B0) meter_set : int, float the monitor units for ``beam_dataset`` ignore_zero_mu_cp : bool If True, skip over zero MU control points (e.g., as in Step-N-Shoot beams) """ def __init__( self, beam_dataset, meter_set, ignore_zero_mu_cp=False, **kwargs ): self.beam_dataset = beam_dataset self.meter_set = meter_set self.ignore_zero_mu_cp = ignore_zero_mu_cp self.options = get_options(kwargs) self.control_point = [ ControlPoint(cp, self.leaf_boundaries) for cp in self.cp_seq ] self.summary = { "cp": list(range(1, len(self.control_point) + 1)), "cum_mu_frac": [cp.cum_mu for cp in self.control_point], "cum_mu": self.cum_mu, "cp_mu": self.cp_mu, "gantry": self.gantry_angle, "collimator": self.collimator_angle, "couch": self.couch_angle, "jaw_x1": [j["x_min"] for j in self.jaws], "jaw_x2": [j["x_max"] for j in self.jaws], "jaw_y1": [j["y_min"] for j in self.jaws], "jaw_y2": [j["y_max"] for j in self.jaws], "area": self.area, "x_perim": self.perimeter_x, "y_perim": self.perimeter_y, "perim": self.perimeter, "cmp_score": self.younge_complexity_scores.tolist(), } for key in self.summary: if len(self.summary[key]) == 1: self.summary[key] = self.summary[key] * len(self.summary["cp"]) if ignore_zero_mu_cp: non_zero_indices = [ i for i, value in enumerate(self.summary["cp_mu"]) if value != 0 ] for key in list(self.summary): self.summary[key] = [ self.summary[key][i] for i in non_zero_indices ] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare ControlPoint classes in two beams Parameters ---------- other : Beam Another Beam instance for comparison Returns ------- bool True if same meter_set values and each paired ControlPoint elements evaluate as equal """ if (self.meter_set - other.meter_set) > BEAM_MU_TOLERANCE: return False for i, cp in enumerate(self.control_point): if not cp == other.control_point[i]: print("cp %s failed" % i) return False return True @property def leaf_boundaries(self): """Get the leaf boundaries Returns ------- DataSet LeafPositionBoundaries (300A,00BE) """ for bld_seq in self.beam_dataset.BeamLimitingDeviceSequence: if hasattr(bld_seq, "LeafPositionBoundaries"): return bld_seq.LeafPositionBoundaries @property def aperture(self): """Get aperture shapely object for every control point Returns ------- list ControlPoint.aperture for each control point """ return [cp.aperture for cp in self.control_point] @property def name(self): """Get the Beam name Returns ------- str In order of priority, BeamDescription (300A,00C3), BeamName (300A,00C2), or "Unknown" """ return str( getattr( self.beam_dataset, "BeamDescription", getattr(self.beam_dataset, "BeamName", "Unknown"), ) ) @property def perimeter_x(self): """Get x-component of aperture perimeter for every control point Returns ------- list ControlPoint.perimeter_x for each control point """ return np.array([cp.perimeter_x for cp in self.control_point]) @property def perimeter_y(self): """Get y-component of aperture perimeter for every control point Returns ------- list ControlPoint.perimeter_y for each control point """ return np.array([cp.perimeter_y for cp in self.control_point]) @property def perimeter(self): """Get aperture perimeter for every control point Returns ------- list ControlPoint.perimeter for each control point """ return np.array([cp.perimeter for cp in self.control_point]) @property def area(self): """Get aperture area for every control point Returns ------- list ControlPoint.area for each control point """ return [cp.area for cp in self.aperture] @property def cp_seq(self): """Get the control points Returns ------- Dataset ControlPointSequence (300A,0111) """ return self.beam_dataset.ControlPointSequence @property def cp_count(self): """Get the number of control points in this beam Returns ------- int Length of ControlPointSequence (300A,0111) """ return len(self.cp_seq) @property def jaws(self): """Jaw positions for each control point Returns ------- list Each element is a ControlPoint.jaws dict """ return [cp.jaws for cp in self.control_point] @property def cp_mu(self): """MU for each control point Returns ------- np.ndarray Numpy array of control point MUs """ return np.diff(np.array(self.cum_mu)).tolist() + [0] @property def mlc_borders(self): """Get the MLC border for each control point Returns ------- list A list of ``ControlPoint.mlc_borders`` describing the boundaries of each leaf """ return [cp.mlc_borders for cp in self.control_point] @property def gantry_angle(self): """Gantry angles for each control point Returns ------- list A list of float values, defining gantry angles for each control point """ return [ float(cp.GantryAngle) for cp in self.cp_seq if hasattr(cp, "GantryAngle") ] @property def collimator_angle(self): """Collimator angles for each control point Returns ------- list A list of float values, defining collimator angles for each control point """ return [ float(cp.BeamLimitingDeviceAngle) for cp in self.cp_seq if hasattr(cp, "BeamLimitingDeviceAngle") ] @property def couch_angle(self): """Couch angles for each control point Returns ------- list A list of float values, defining couch angles for each control point """ return [ float(cp.PatientSupportAngle) for cp in self.cp_seq if hasattr(cp, "PatientSupportAngle") ] @property def cum_mu(self): """Cumulative monitor units for each control point Returns ------- list A list of float values representing the cumulative MU """ return [cp.cum_mu * self.meter_set for cp in self.control_point] @property def younge_complexity_scores(self): """Complexity score based on Younge et al Returns ------- np.ndarray Younge complexity scores for each control point """ # Complexity score based on: # Younge KC, Matuszak MM, Moran JM, McShan DL, Fraass BA, # Roberts DA. Penalization of aperture complexity in inversely planned # volumetric modulated arc therapy. Med Phys. 2012;39(11):7160–70. c1, c2 = ( self.options["complexity_weight_x"], self.options["complexity_weight_y"], ) if self.meter_set and self.meter_set > 0: return ( np.divide( np.multiply( np.add(c1 * self.perimeter_x, c2 * self.perimeter_y), self.cp_mu, ), self.area, ) / self.meter_set ) return 0
[docs]class ControlPoint: """Collect control point information from a ControlPointSequence in a beam dataset of a pydicom RT Plan dataset Parameters ---------- cp_elem : DataElement element of a ControlPointSequence (300A,0111) leaf_boundaries : Dataset LeafPositionBoundaries (300A,00BE) """ def __init__(self, cp_elem, leaf_boundaries, **kwargs): self.cp_elem = cp_elem self.leaf_boundaries = leaf_boundaries self.options = get_options(kwargs) self._set_leaf_jaw_type() self.path_lengths = get_xy_path_lengths(self.aperture) def _set_leaf_jaw_type(self): """Search for LeafJawPositions (300A,011C) assign ControlPoint.<RTBeamLimitingDeviceType (300A,00B8)> (i.e., x, y, asymx, asymy, mlcx, mlcy) Return type is ``np.ndarray`` or ``None`` for all""" if hasattr(self.cp_elem, "BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence"): for ( device_position_seq ) in self.cp_elem.BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence: if hasattr( device_position_seq, "RTBeamLimitingDeviceType" ) and hasattr(device_position_seq, "LeafJawPositions"): leaf_jaw_type = str( device_position_seq.RTBeamLimitingDeviceType ).lower() positions = np.array( list(map(float, device_position_seq.LeafJawPositions)) ) mid_index = int(len(positions) / 2) setattr( self, leaf_jaw_type, [positions[:mid_index], positions[mid_index:]], ) @property def cum_mu(self): """Cumulative MU for this ControlPoint Returns ------- float CumulativeMetersetWeight (300A,0134) """ return float(self.cp_elem.CumulativeMetersetWeight) @property def mlc(self): """Get the MLC orientation Returns ------- str, None Returns 'mlcx', 'mlcy' or ``None`` """ for leaf_type in ["mlcx", "mlcy"]: if hasattr(self, leaf_type): return getattr(self, leaf_type) @property def leaf_type(self): """Get the MLC orientation Returns ------- str, None Returns 'mlcx', 'mlcy' or ``None`` """ for leaf_type in ["mlcx", "mlcy"]: if hasattr(self, leaf_type): return leaf_type @property def perimeter_x(self): """x-component of the aperture perimeter Returns ------- float x-component of the Aperture perimeter """ return self.path_lengths[0] @property def perimeter_y(self): """y-component of the aperture perimeter Returns ------- float y-component of the Aperture perimeter """ return self.path_lengths[1] @property def perimeter(self): """Perimeter of the aperture Returns ------- float Aperture perimeter """ return self.perimeter_x + self.perimeter_y def __eq__(self, other): """Compare to ControlPoint class objects Parameters ---------- other : ControlPoint Returns ------- bool True if cum_mu and each MLC position are with tolerance """ if abs(self.cum_mu - other.cum_mu) > CONTROL_POINT_MU_TOLERANCE: return False for side in [0, 1]: for i, pos in enumerate(self.mlc[side]): if abs(pos - other.mlc[side][i]) > CONTROL_POINT_POS_TOLERANCE: print(abs(pos - other.mlc[side][i])) return True @property def mlc_borders(self): """This function returns the boundaries of each MLC leaf for purposes of displaying a beam's eye view using bokeh's quad() glyph Returns ------- dict the boundaries of each leaf within the control point with keys of 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right """ if self.mlc is not None: top = self.leaf_boundaries[0:-1] + self.leaf_boundaries[0:-1] top = [float(i) for i in top] bottom = self.leaf_boundaries[1::] + self.leaf_boundaries[1::] bottom = [float(i) for i in bottom] left = [-self.options["max_field_size_x"] / 2] * len(self.mlc[0]) left.extend(self.mlc[1]) right = self.mlc[0].tolist() right.extend( [self.options["max_field_size_x"] / 2] * len(self.mlc[1]) ) return {"top": top, "bottom": bottom, "left": left, "right": right} @property def aperture(self): """This function will return the outline of MLCs within jaws Returns ------- Polygon a shapely object of the complete MLC aperture as one shape (including MLC overlap) """ lb = self.leaf_boundaries mlc = self.mlc jaws = self.jaws jaw_points = [ (jaws["x_min"], jaws["y_min"]), (jaws["x_min"], jaws["y_max"]), (jaws["x_max"], jaws["y_max"]), (jaws["x_max"], jaws["y_min"]), ] jaw_shapely = Polygon(jaw_points) if self.leaf_type == "mlcx": a = flatten( [[(m, lb[i]), (m, lb[i + 1])] for i, m in enumerate(mlc[0])] ) b = flatten( [[(m, lb[i]), (m, lb[i + 1])] for i, m in enumerate(mlc[1])] ) elif self.leaf_type == "mlcy": a = flatten( [[(lb[i], m), (lb[i + 1], m)] for i, m in enumerate(mlc[0])] ) b = flatten( [[(lb[i], m), (lb[i + 1], m)] for i, m in enumerate(mlc[1])] ) else: return jaw_shapely mlc_points = a + b[::-1] # concatenate a and reverse(b) mlc_aperture = Polygon(mlc_points).buffer(0) # This function is very slow, since jaws are rectangular, perhaps # there's a more efficient method? aperture = mlc_aperture.intersection(jaw_shapely) return aperture @property def jaws(self): """Get the jaw positions of a control point Returns ------- dict jaw positions (or max field size in lieu of a jaw). Keys are 'x_min', 'x_max', 'y_min', 'y_max' """ jaws = {} for dim in ["x", "y"]: half = self.options["max_field_size_%s" % dim] / 2.0 values = getattr(self, "asym%s" % dim, [-half, half]) jaws["%s_min" % dim] = float(min(values)) jaws["%s_max" % dim] = float(max(values)) return jaws